Naturopathic Medicine

Treating the root cause of your health concerns

You bring us your health concerns, we work to find the root cause and natural solution. Our Naturopathic Doctors are here to help.


An Evidence-Based Approach to Naturopathic Medicine

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What we do best

We treat your health concerns, low nutrients, pain, sports injuries, headaches, hormonal concerns, mental health, fertility, and pediatrics.

  • It’s one of the most stressful and common issues to experience. Luckily, our team is well-versed in hormonal troubles, ovulation, IVF and IUI prep, and getting the best swimmers possible.

    We’ll evaluate your blood work from your doctor or REI, likely send you for some more, and work alongside your entire fertility team to help you achieve that positive test and beyond.

    Treatments include research-backed supplements, diet modifications, and acupuncture to help work alongside any medications you may be taking. We’re also here to listen to the struggle and hold the hope when you feel you can’t.

  • Menopausal symptoms and hypothyroidism can be treated and managed by all of our Naturopathic Doctors who hold prescribing authority in Ontario. 

    Bioidentical hormones are identical to the hormones produced by the human body, so your body recognizes them and understands how to use and metabolize each one. Hormones such as estrogen and progesterone are applied topically for effective relief of many menopause-related concerns such as interrupted sleep, hot flashes, and mood roller-coasters. Desiccated thyroid is taken orally to manage hypothyroid symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, and hair loss. We’ll monitor via blood work or saliva testing to ensure efficacy and safety.

  • Whether from posture, sports, or if you’re just in pain, Dr. Linda Shih, ND has the skills and expertise to help. She combines a unique set of training to effectively find and treat the source of chronic pain, headaches, and other musculoskeletal concerns from wear-and-tear to sports injuries.

    Dr. Linda’s known for her incredibly thorough evaluations and blend of treatment strategies. In addition to being a licensed Naturopathic Doctor, she’s skilled in Active Release Technique (ART) and Acupuncture specific to nerve and pain pathways. This means your treatment may include several approaches to helping the issue resolve such as acupuncture, soft tissue releasing with ART or massage, and cupping. 

    You feeling better faster is her goal.

  • Kiddos of all ages are welcome. From sore tummies to itchy skin, both Dr. Mary and Dr. Lindsay work with you to get some simple and realistic modifications in the diet that can help with struggles.

    Picky palates are no match for Dr. Mary’s ability to find ways to sneak supplements in very practical ways that won’t stress frazzled parents out. Because let’s face it, you have enough to deal with.

  • An effective strategy to treat pain, headaches, anxiety, depression, and hormonal concerns, specifically irregular periods, menopausal symptoms, infertility and IVF support. 

    Acupuncture has been around for over 3,000 years. Strategically placed needles can be effective on their own, or we might combine them with TENS or microcurrent to amp up their efficacy and provide stimulation to deeper tissues that massage alone just can’t get to. 

    No, it doesn’t hurt, but yes, we’re gentle anyway! 

  • Fine lines, wrinkles and dull complexion? Facial rejuvenation acupuncture to the rescue! 

    Our licensed NDs use a combination of techniques to help you achieve a natural, refreshed look. Fine lines are targeted using needles 3mm in length along each line to stimulate collagen production and causing the line to soften and lift. Acupuncture needles are also used to relax tense muscles in the face and to stimulate circulation and lymphatic drainage. We always complete each treatment with a potent vitamin C serum shown to help enhance collagen production. 

    Treatments are recommended weekly for approximately 6 treatments, then spaced out for maintenance every 4-8 weeks, depending on age, hormone levels, and how long each day you’re spending crunching those 11’s!

Meet Your Naturopathic Doctors in the Heart of Brooklin

  • Dr. Lindsay Self headshot

    Dr. Lindsay Self, ND

    Dr. Lindsay's jam is helping with fertility concerns, but also has an obsession with blood work, headaches, acupuncture, and gut health.

  • Dr. Linda Shih, ND

    Dr. Linda's jam is pain and muscles, and is a magician with an acupuncture needle.

  • Dr. Mary MacDonald, ND (Virtual)

    Dr. Mary's jam is pediatrics, women's health, and all the practical, easy solutions to work into your day to get you toward better health.

 We can’t wait to take care of you